Vision 2025
Vision 2025 Strategic Plan - Approved 08.11.2020, found here.
Executive Summary & Overview:
The Clinton Central School District Vision 2025 Strategic Plan provides a direction forward for the next five years. It will help guide the district in prioritizing resources and making decisions. The goals of the strategic plan are the focus and driving force for all other annual district or school plans, resources, programs and initiatives needed to support the Vision 2025 district goals.
The Clinton school district Vision 2025 Strategic Plan is the successor to the initial Vision 2020 plan implemented in 2015 and developed with the assistance of Dr. Kevin Baughman & Associates. In 2019, in preparation for a new strategic plan, the Board of Education requested a progress assessment on the Vision 2020 plan. The assessment indicated the district had achieved or was progressing on many of the key goals or objectives outlined in the plan. Several of the goals or objectives from the prior plan are integrated into the Vision 2025 plan. Dr. Kevin Baughman & Associates were retained to provide assistance in the development of this successor Vision 2025 plan.
Strategic planning in the Clinton school district was a highly collaborative and comprehensive process involving school and community representatives who helped to identify student needs and priorities. This ensured input from all stakeholders on direction, establishing core values, and revisions to the vision and mission statements. Their input is embedded throughout this plan. The strategic goals and objectives address key areas of student learning and are consistent with the mission and vision of the district. The process included:
- Meetings with administration and Board of Education
- Results from the Vision 2020 Progress Assessment (2019)
- 1:1 and Group on-site Interviews (2019-2020)
- Board workshop (2020)
- School-Community Survey – 495 responses (2020) *(see note below)
- Research on effective practices
- Review of district documents
- Superintendent Community Strategic Plan Advisory Team (2020)
- Final discussions/interactions with Board of Education and Superintendent
- Consultant observations and experience
The format and detail of the Vision 2025 Strategic Plan is different than its predecessor plan. The Vision 2025 strategic plan goals are broader and provide greater district flexibility in addressing each one. The Vision 2025 plan is more proactive, future oriented and focused on student learning closely linked to a supportive learning environment. The prior strategic plan was more reactive, granular and prescriptive. It was focused on addressing more immediate student and district operational needs.
The result of the collaborative process produced the new Vision 2025 Strategic Plan. In addition to revisions of the mission and vision statements, 12 core values of the school district were identified. The nine large strategic goals of Vision 2025 are located under one of four key Learning Foundations. Learning Foundations are core focus areas that significantly influence student learning. Each goal is supported by a set of objectives which are programs or strategies that will help accomplish each goal.