Clinton Sports Boosters
Clinton Sports Boosters
The Sports Boosters meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the high school Media Center at 7pm.
Sports Boosters
PO Box 27
Clinton, NY 13323
Mission Statement
Clinton Sports Boosters is a parent organization designed to aid the Clinton athletic program with scholarships and financial support for all the sports programs and the athletes that are served. The Sports Booster is a separate entity from the school athletic department, coaches and the school community as a whole. The main mission is to support all athletic programs through parent and community involvement.
The Sports Boosters will engage in fund raising activities, accept donations and dispense money as needed to all sports programming through a procedural process designed by the organization of Sports Boosters as designed by the BY-Law of the group. Sports Boosters will solicit the assistance of parents to aid in supporting the team with equipment, uniforms and other gear that is not available in the schools athletic budget.
Executive Board Members
President: Amy McFadden
Vice-president: Matt Bronner
Treasurer: Tom Squires
Secretary: Open
Board Member: Shannon Barker