Athletic Placement Process for Interschool Athletic Programs
Clinton Central School District
Athletic Placement Process
Important Dates and Deadlines for Application by Season The APP application and approval process takes time and involves several steps that need to be completed in advance of the season for which the athlete is applying. If you are interested in applying for Athletic Placement Process, please download and read the Parent Packet and submit the parent permission slip to the Athletic Director before the dates indicated below:
Fall Season application deadline is June 1st
Winter Season application deadline is October 1st
Spring Season application deadline is February 1st
Athletic Placement Process Documents:
Parent Packet - Athletic Placement Process
New Revised as of July 2016: AthleticPlacement Process Complete Document - July 2016
Related authorizing Board of Education Resolutions
Resolution on update from August 2016 The following resolution was approved by the Clinton Central School Board of Education on August 16, 2016: WHEREAS, Section 135.4(c) (7) (ii) (a) (4) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education provides for a board of education to permit pupils in grades no lower than seventh grade to compete on interscholastic athletic teams organized for senior high school pupils, or senior high school pupils to compete on interscholastic athletic teams organized for pupils in the seventh and eighth grades; and
WHEREAS, these pupils are to be allowed to compete at levels that are appropriate to their physical maturity, physical fitness, and sport skills in relationship to other pupils in accordance with the standards established by the Commissioner of Education; and
WHEREAS, the State Education Department issues the competition standards for these pupils to compete under a program called the Athletic Placement Process;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton Central School District Board of Education shall permit pupils in the seventh or eighth grade to compete after successfully completing the Athletic Placement Process for the requested sport and level. Original Resolution from 2015 The following resolution was approved by the Clinton Central School Board of Education on June 23, 2015:
WHEREAS, Section 135.4(c) (7) (ii) (a) (4) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education provides for a board of education to permit pupils in grades no lower than seventh grade to compete on interscholastic athletic teams organized for senior high school pupils, or senior high school pupils to compete on interscholastic athletic teams organized for pupils in the seventh and eighth grades; and
WHEREAS, these pupils are to be allowed to compete at levels that are appropriate to their physical maturity, physical fitness, and sport skills in relationship to other pupils in accordance with the standards established by the Commissioner of Education; and
WHEREAS, the State Education Department issues the competition standards for these pupils to compete under a program called the Athletic Placement Process;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clinton Central School District Board of Education shall permit pupils in the seventh or eighth grade to compete after successfully completing the Athletic Placement Process for the requested sport and level.